• The World Heritage Sites of London

    Did you know London has the honor of being home to four UNESCO World Heritage Sites? Come check out the sites which have been honored with the distinction of being of extreme cultural and historical significance.

  • Chua Say Tevoda: A History of Angkor Temples

    Whenever someone mentions anything ‘Angkor’, the first image that comes to most people’s minds is the impressive and daunting image of Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is a magnificent temple complex that spans roughly 200 acres and includes the main temple, dozens of gopuras (carved towers over doorways), statues, galleries, libraries, towers, shrines, ponds, long promenades and smaller structures. Chua Say Tevoda is a group of small temples that sit roughly a mile away from the Angkor Wat complex and are classified as Angkor temples. Most of the Angkor temples in Cambodia were built during the mid 1100’s and composed of standstone blocks and laterite. Sandstone was used on the exterior and visible interior parts…

  • St. Mary's Cathedral is an 1894 Anglican church in Kuala Lumpur. It was the first Christian church in Malaysia.

    Cathedral Church of St. Mary the Virgin

    While I was out wandering around Merdeka Square one day, I glanced across a small side road and happened to see this cute little church hidden behind a fence covered in ivy. Since it is somewhat unusual to see Christian churches in Malaysia and the year on it marks this one as quite old, I just had to go over and investigate. This church is so quaint. I love it! Cathedral Church of St. Mary the Virgin is an Anglican church that was commissioned in 1893 when the original building became too small to hold the growing congregation. The original chapel, named St. Mary’s Church, was built in 1887, made of wood…

  • The Circular Mound Altar in Beijing, China, was built in 1530 by Emperor Jiajing during the Ming Dynasty. The altar was built to host rain prayer ceremonies and Winter Solstice sacrifices.

    Temple of Heaven: Circular Mound Altar

    After we finished up at the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests we decided to wander around the grounds as the sun went down. We hadn’t done a ton of research as our trip to China wasn’t planned far enough in advance to do more than list places that looked interesting, so we didn’t really know what all was on the grounds on the Temple of Heaven. We saw people heading through a gate opposite from where we had entered the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests area and decided to see where they were going. We had no idea what was there and were excited about being ‘surprised’. The first thing we…

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